Steve Aoki Las Vegas, BTS

“For a DJ at my level, you can really go through life and travel the world without seeing a single thing. It’s harder to go out and see the sights than it is to play a show.” – Steve Aoki. We would love to see Steve Aoki Las Vegas.

A person in a tuxedo holding a camera, surrounded by scattered photographs against a white background.

Steve Aoki Las Vegas

8/26/2023, 9/3/2023, 9/30/2023, 10/21/2023, 10/31/2023, 11/4/2023, 11/11/2023

In 2007, It was a pleasure getting to know Steve Aoki and shooting him. He had just flown in from somewhere and the thing he told me was that he hadn’t showered in 3 days. I was totally fine with it. At least he didn’t smell, though his hair was a bit oily. He told me about his travel schedule and I couldn’t believe it.

300 Flights a Year! Steve Aoki Las Vegas

He said that the previous year, he had 300 flights!  I love to travel but I don’t like the plane that much…even if they were first class flights. Steve was probably one of the hardest working people I had ever met. I loved his work ethic and his passion for music. Below is an interview I did with him for TDink back in 2007: 


David: How did you find your passion for music?


Steve Aoki: My first real introduction to music was rap music when I was in elementary school.  I don’t know who introduced me to Easy E.  I  was so allured by the cassette that I wrote down the entire album in my notebook and I remembered all the lyrics.  


The music got me excited to actually help me start using my head.  That was the introduction to the hardcore punk rock world.  Because of that I got to understand the DIY (do it yourself) mentality.


I started my own zine called Yell which was an Asian interest magazine. That whole mix tape brought me to the place where I am now.  I would have never started a record label or my own band.  The culture of that world was important to shaping who I am today.


David: How would you describe your dj style?


Steve Aoki Las Vegas:

It varies.  I adapt to my surroundings.  I get booked at these Vegas gigs at these mainstream parties.  I play what they want to hear.  Then I get booked for live shows and that’s where I play 20% of my own remixes and my own productions.  It’s all fun dance music 


David: Describe a typical day in the life of Steve Aoki Las Vegas


Steve Aoki: The La version is I’m in my office almost 20 hours of the day.  I’m pretty much live and breath the Dim Mak office.  I have 14 people running around with many teams—one for marketing, one for the label and they all work together.  Then I dj at night.


When I’m on the road, I get to a city from a flight, chill, have some dinner, sleep for two hours, arrive in the next city.  I only get 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night.  Last year I racked 300 flights.  


I’ve already been to Asia, Europe, America (back and forth).  Its all time management and team management.  Before I leave a campaign, I make sure that team is totally fit to run the demands of Dim Mak.  Up until last year, I was funding my label all by myself.  


David: What does Dim Mak mean?


Steve Aoki: Death Touch—in Chinese.  I didn’t name it that because of what it means but its because its related to Bruce Lee.  Growing up in Newport Beach as an Asian, Bruce Lee was the guy that everyone liked.


David: What’s your favorite place to visit?


Steve Aoki: I love Asia.  I don’t really vacation that month.  I don’t remember the last time I took a vacation.  I prefer to work.  I love LA, its my favorite city.


David: How would you describe your fashion?


Steve Aoki: It’s always changing.  I can go with the flow and I can also try different things as well.  I just take elements from all different types of things from what’s happening now to Japanese fashion designers.  I really take all different kinds of things.


David: Who are some of your favorite musicians?


Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner


David: What other exciting projects are you working on?


Steve Aoki: A lot of production and studios and I’m designing a whole new line with my sister.  I’m starting a Dim Mak sunglasses line.  I also have a signature Aoki line with crew.


David: Where are you originally from?


Steve Aoki: It was a confusing time being Asian living in a very white dominant rich culture.  I felt lost.  I made friends and I survived.  I had a lot of fun but my identity was slipping.  


David: Where did you go to college?


Steve Aoki: I majored in womens studies.  I was planning on staying in academia but I ended up taking the entertainment route.  I went to UCSB


David: Where do you hang out?


Steve Aoki: Dim Mak office, cinespace on tues, Sunday at LAX


Do you have anything to say to your fans?


If you’d like to read more, visit Vote for Obama!

David Christopher Lee


David Christopher Lee launched his first online magazine in 2001. As a young publisher, he had access to the most incredible events and innovators of the world. In 2009, he started, one of the largest portals for all things luxury including 5 star properties, Michelin Star Restaurants and bespoke experiences. As a portrait photographer and producer, David has worked with many celebrities & major brands such as Richard Branson, the Kardashians, Lady Gaga, Cadillac, Lexus, Qatar Airways, Aman Hotels, just to name a few. David’s work has been published in major magazines such as GQ, Vogue, Instyle, People, Teen, Men’s Health, Departures & many more. He creates content with powerful seo marketing strategies.

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