I Hate Computer Science: Editorial

If I had a dime for every time someone has recommended me to “just learn to code” as if it’s a simple, all-purpose solution to every professional quandary, I’d have enough to hire a personal coder to do my bidding. To be blunt, I loathe computer science, and here’s why. I hate computer science.

First, the phrase “just learn to code” is profoundly misleading.

i hate computer scienceIt implies that computer science is just about typing a few lines of code and—voilà!—you’re suddenly able to build the next Facebook or Uber. The truth is far from this ideal. Computer science is a vast field that encompasses theory, algorithms, human-computer interaction, machine learning, and more. It’s not something you can master after a weekend crash course on JavaScript or Python.

Moreover, the culture surrounding computer science has become suffocating. Everywhere you look, there’s an obsession with tech startups, Silicon Valley, and glorifying the “hacker” lifestyle. It’s as if the only way to achieve success in today’s digital age is by immersing oneself in binary code and worshipping at the altar of tech giants.

This infatuation with computer science and technology isn’t without merit.

Of course, the field has brought forth countless innovations that have transformed industries and improved lives. From medical technologies to communication tools to entertainment, the reach and impact of computer science are undeniable. However, with this acceptance has come an unhealthy obsession that places undue pressure on every young mind to pursue a career in tech, even if they have other inclinations or passions. I hate computer science.

The stress on students is palpable.

Every college or high school student is nudged towards computer science as if it’s the only field worth pursuing. But what if a student is more interested in literature, history, or the arts? These disciplines are equally valuable, yet they are frequently overshadowed by the blinding limelight of tech.

Another grievance I have with computer science is its intrinsic nature. It’s a field that demands perfection. A single misplaced semicolon in your code can bring down an entire program. This kind of precision can be grueling and, frankly, unappetizing for many. It’s a world of black and white, with little room for the grays that dominate so much of human experience. In the arts, a mistake or a rough edge can often add character or depth. But in coding? It just leads to error messages.

Additionally, the world of computer science is riddled with esoteric jargons.

APIs, frameworks, libraries, data structures—this lexicon can be daunting for the uninitiated. It often feels like you’re learning a new language with its own set of intricate rules and nuances. This steep learning curve can deter many potential learners.

It’s also worth noting the glaring diversity issue within the computer science community. Women and people of color remain grossly underrepresented. While there have been initiatives to bridge this gap, the journey is still long. Such an environment can be unwelcoming and even intimidating for many potential entrants.

Let’s also talk about the artificial intelligence (AI) aspect of computer science. On the one hand, AI offers tremendous possibilities, from medical diagnostics to energy conservation. On the other, the ethical dilemmas it presents are enormous. Do we genuinely understand the Pandora’s box we’re opening? The concept of machines making decisions, often without clear human interpretability, is both fascinating and terrifying.

Furthermore, the frenetic pace at which computer science and technology advance can be exhausting. The tools and languages you learn today might become obsolete tomorrow. Keeping up with this ever-evolving landscape requires a commitment that not everyone is willing or able to give. I hate computer science.

So, where does this leave us? I hate computer science

Am I suggesting we abandon computer science? Of course not. My grievance is not with the subject itself but with how it’s being perceived and sold to the masses. Not everyone is cut out for the rigors and peculiarities of computer science, and that’s okay.

What we need is a balanced perspective. We must acknowledge that while computer science is essential, it’s not the only worthwhile pursuit out there. Every field has its value and beauty, and each deserves respect and attention.

Alright, let’s delve deeper into this: I Hate Computer Science

The obsession with computer science goes beyond just the pressure to choose it as a career. This obsession permeates our culture in deeper, more subtle ways. Everywhere we turn, there’s an app, a gadget, or some other technological marvel commanding our attention. We’ve become a society that equates technology with progress, and while this equation often holds true, it’s essential to question it from time to time. I hate computer science.

The Oversimplification of “Tech is the Future”

The mantra that “tech is the future” is one we’ve all heard, and it’s not without truth. With advancements in fields ranging from artificial intelligence to quantum computing, the possibilities seem endless. However, to suggest that every solution to humanity’s challenges lies in technology is an oversimplification. For instance, can computer science truly resolve deeply entrenched social issues or the nuances of human emotion and consciousness? Arguably, some things can’t be coded, no matter how advanced our algorithms become.

The Human Element

As we increasingly shift towards a digitized world, there’s a genuine risk of sidelining the human element. After all, computers operate on logic, but humans are creatures of emotion, intuition, and unpredictability. There’s a stark contrast between understanding a human through data points and truly connecting with them on a deeply personal level.

The arts, for instance, capture the complexities of the human experience in ways that a line of code never could. Literature, music, painting—these are mediums that speak to our souls, evoking feelings and memories that are profoundly personal and yet universally shared. In our race to digitize and automate, we must be careful not to lose sight of these irreplaceable human experiences.

Economic Implications

From an economic perspective, the emphasis on computer science has led to a significant influx of students and professionals in the field, potentially saturating the market. While there’s undoubtedly a demand for tech professionals, the supply might soon exceed the demand, leading to diminished opportunities and wage stagnation.

Furthermore, the incessant push towards automation, while increasing efficiency, also poses a threat to jobs across various sectors. The paradox here is evident: while computer science offers lucrative career opportunities for some, it may simultaneously reduce job opportunities for others.

The Question of Dependence

Our reliance on technology is increasing at an exponential rate. This dependence, while often beneficial, can also be a double-edged sword. Cyberattacks, data breaches, and technical malfunctions can have catastrophic consequences in a world where everything is interconnected. I hate computer science.

Imagine a world where our cars, homes, banks, and hospitals are all interconnected and primarily driven by computer systems. Now, envision a significant system failure or a coordinated cyber-attack. The chaos such an event could bring is mind-boggling. While we race towards such an interconnected future, it’s worth pondering if we’re adequately prepared for the associated risks.

Education and The Arts: I Hate Computer Science

In educational institutions, the push for computer science often comes at the expense of other disciplines. As budgets get allocated, arts and humanities programs often face cuts, while tech-related programs receive a boost. This disparity is concerning because a well-rounded education is foundational to creating critical thinkers who can view challenges from multiple perspectives.

Furthermore, the arts have been a cornerstone of human civilization, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. By sidelining these disciplines, we risk creating a workforce that, while technically adept, may lack the broader perspective necessary to tackle multifaceted challenges.

In Closing: I Hate Computer Science

Computer science, for all its merits, isn’t a panacea for all of society’s ills. As we forge ahead in this digital age, it’s imperative to strike a balance. We must recognize the value of other disciplines and the intrinsic worth of human experiences that can’t be quantified or digitized. I hate computer science.

The ideal future is not one where everyone is a coder, but one where people can pursue their passions, whether they lie in tech, the arts, the sciences, or any other field. In doing so, they bring a unique perspective to the table, fostering a society that is both technologically advanced and profoundly human.

In essence, while computer science is undoubtedly a transformative force, it is just one of many. Let’s celebrate it for what it is, but also make room for the myriad other disciplines and experiences that make our world diverse, vibrant, and endlessly fascinating. I hate computer science.

David Christopher Lee


David Christopher Lee launched his first online magazine in 2001. As a young publisher, he had access to the most incredible events and innovators of the world. In 2009, he started Destinationluxury.com, one of the largest portals for all things luxury including 5 star properties, Michelin Star Restaurants and bespoke experiences. As a portrait photographer and producer, David has worked with many celebrities & major brands such as Richard Branson, the Kardashians, Lady Gaga, Cadillac, Lexus, Qatar Airways, Aman Hotels, just to name a few. David’s work has been published in major magazines such as GQ, Vogue, Instyle, People, Teen, Men’s Health, Departures & many more. He creates content with powerful seo marketing strategies.

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