
A diptych of a man in professional attire posing for a headshot next to a graphical overlay with text promoting a guide.

David Wong, the Qi Master

David Wong is an inventor, author, martial artist, qi gong practitioner and visionary entrepreneur. He is the founder of Qi Life, a company that develops frequency therapeutic technologies for personal wellness. 


Fasting with Trevor: no food or water for 20 days

I was obsessed with fasting and came across @fastingwithtrevor while I did my first 7 day dry fast. Trevor had been doing 20 day dry fasts and would talk about his journey on Instagram. We became friends and he is utterly fascinating. I had to tell his story…and so it begins.

Fabian Arnold, Model & Influencer

Fabian Arnold is 25 years old and  from Cologne, Germany. He grew up in a small town country side right before the city cologne. His hobbies were soccer, handball and hanging around in the forest building tree houses. As he got bullied in school he wanted to change something and started going to the gym in age of 16.  That changed his  life as he got scouted for modelling in age of 18 at a fitness faire in Cologne.